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Know your enemy

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Ephesians 6:12 “because we have not the wrestling with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual things of the evil in the heavenly places

Principlality: <1,,746,arche> “beginning, government, rule,” is used of supramundane beings who exercise rule, called “principalities

– This word paints demons as ruling in the invisible realm with Governmental precision. Whatever demons do is fully planned and considered; nothing undertaken by a demonic power is done without careful thought. Demons are masters at planning and executing an attack, first studying their enemy completely before sending out their troops to destroy their enemy. It’s imperative that we trust fully in the Mind of Christ to know and battle against the plans of the devil against us.

Authorities: <A-1,Noun,1849,exousia> denotes “authority” (from the impersonal verb exesti, “it is lawful”). From the meaning of “leave or permission,” or liberty of doing as one pleases, it passed to that of “the ability or strength with which one is endued,” then to that of the “power of authority,” the right to exercise power or “the power of rule or government,” the power of one whose will and commands must be obeyed by others

– This word paints demons as having the power to perform what they plan as a Government. In other words, demonic beings have the “right” to exercise their plans against us if we’re not surrendered to God and actively resisting the devil. Demons have permission to rule over humans who walk in the flesh – whether lost or saved – as only those who walk in the Spirit, actively, are no longer under the dominion of the enemy. If we’re un-surrendered to God in an area of our life, that’s the area that the devil has legal right over. Believers who indulge in unclean thoughts, habits and addictions are opening themselves up to be ruled in that area of their lives by demonic power.

Rulers: <3,,2888,kosmokrator> denotes “a ruler of this world” The context (“not against flesh and blood”) shows that not earthly potentates are indicated, but spirit powers, who, under the permissive will of God, and in consequence of human sin, exercise satanic and therefore antagonistic authority over the world in its present condition of spiritual darkness and alienation from God.

– This word paints a picture of demons as being constantly in opposition to humans. For example, when a demon tempts you with what appears to be good and satisfying on the outside, the very core nature of the force bringing the temptation is one of absolute and complete and total hatred for you, desiring that you see temptation as something that will not hurt you in the long run but fulfill you in the short term. Demons and all that they offer will never ever be “for” your pleasure … but always for your spiritual destruction. Temptation, when consistently embraced, becomes bondage. When consistently resisted, it ceases to be a temptation and victory is realized.

Spiritual: <A-1,Adjective,4152,pneumatikos> “always connotes the ideas of invisibility and of power. In the NT it is used as follows: (a) the angelic hosts, lower than God but higher in the scale of being than man in his natural state, are ‘spiritual hosts’

– Demons know that they, being spiritual, can only defeat their human opponents if their human opponents walk in their “natural” – or fleshly – state. When a Believer chooses to walk in the flesh or does not understand how to walk in the Spirit and doesn’t seek to know how, demons have the advantage. It is not only important to walk in the Spirit… it’s essential if we’re to win our spiritual battles. Because all battles we face are spiritual and only spiritual weapons will defeat spiritual beings. Victory can come only by means of absolute and total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, we’ll walk in defeat over and over and over again… all the days of our lives. Learning how to walk in the Spirit will ensure our spiritual victory each and every time… without fail!

Heavenly: <A-2,Adjective,2032,epouranios> “heavenly,” what pertains to, or is in, heaven (epi, in the sense of “pertaining to,” not here, “above”)

– This word paints a picture of demons having their origin – and their power and authority – as being “from heaven” or “from above”. It denotes Governmental power or authority over and above the power and authority of humans. It denotes that demons have an advantage over those who are un-submitted to God. It denotes that demons are not “from” here… but from another place with other weapons that humans do not have or use unless they are saved and walk in the Spirit. The Bible says we’re seated with Christ in heavenly places and as a result only those who appropriate by faith that promise from God will overcome all the power of the devil


There are Believers today who walk free in many areas but in other areas they never seem to get the victory. Due to this, they often fail and fall into sin as a lifestyle pattern. They’re up one day and down the next; they shout God’s praises on Sunday but on Monday they’re back to their filth… and they don’t know how to get free. The first step is in realizing that they’re under the very influence of demons and their own fleshly desires that they constantly give in to. Once they admit that their “habit” or thought pattern is a vile sin against God, then repentance is on the way! Repentance is acknowledging sin and turning from it in both thought, word and deed. Until smoking is seen as destroying God’s temple, one will continue to be under demonic power. Until porn is seen as fornication and adultery, freedom will not come. Whatever the issue, demonic power will only be overcome through honest confession and a turning away from it. Jesus isn’t looking to harm those in bondage; He desires to heal those in bondage! That can only come, however, when the individual accepts that anything outside of God’s will must absolutely be resisted and rejected once and for all… no matter how much it causes the person to suffer. Freedom Avenue comes after one walks down Suffering Lane! If one doesn’t accept this, they will “never” experience true godly deliverance.

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