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What Principles does Scripture give to married couples and relationships with the opposite sex?
Theme Verse: Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart pure for out of it are the important things of life.” First, we need to be clear that opposite sex friendships are not…
The Anatomy of a Gossip
Proverbs 20:19 “A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don’t hang around with chatterers.” (NLT) Just exactly what is gossip? We read at that gossip is: “idle talk or…
10 tell tale signs you’re in the wrong church
(written with a touch of satire) 1- If the worship music isn’t “anointed enough”, it’s an indication you need to get out … and get out fast! Any church without…
5 Ways you can show love to your Pastor & Local Church
I want to give you 5 ways that you, as a member of your local church, can tangibly express love to your Pastor. As a former Pastor, I have seen…